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Small form

Formik is our go-to for working with forms that contain multiple inputs and often includes validation and calling a service to mutate the state on submission.

export interface IPaymentMethod {  Name: string;  Code: string;}
export const PaymentMethodForm = () => {  const intl = useIntl();
  // Initial form values when loading the form  const initialValues: IPaymentMethod = useMemo(() => ({ Name: '', Code: '' }), []);
  // Callback to save the form values in the backend and a loading state which indicates that a save is in progress  const { savePaymentMethod, isSaveLoading } = useAddPaymentMethod();
  return (    <Card>      <Box>        <Formik          initialValues={initialValues}          onSubmit={(formValues, formikHelpers) => {            savePaymentMethod(formValues);            formikHelpers.setSubmitting(false);          }}        >          {({ submitForm, isSubmitting }) => (            <>              <Box p={0} mb="8px">                <Field name="Name">                  {({ meta, field }: FieldProps) => (                    <Input                      required                      label={intl.formatMessage({                        id: '',                      })}                      {...field}                      value={field.value ?? ''}                      error={meta.touched && !!meta.error}                      helperText={meta.touched && !!meta.error ? meta.error : undefined}                    />                  )}                </Field>              </Box>              <Box p={0}>                <Field name="Code">                  {({ meta, field }: FieldProps) => (                    <Input                      required                      label={intl.formatMessage({                        id: 'payment-method.label.code',                      })}                      {...field}                      value={field.value ?? ''}                      error={meta.touched && !!meta.error}                      helperText={meta.touched && !!meta.error ? meta.error : undefined}                    />                  )}                </Field>              </Box>              <Box>                <Grid container justify="flex-end">                  <Grid item>                    <Button                      variant="contained"                      color="primary"                      isLoading={isSubmitting || isSaveLoading}                      disabled={isSubmitting || isSaveLoading}                      onClick={submitForm}                    >                      <FormattedMessage id="" />                    </Button>                  </Grid>                </Grid>              </Box>            </>          )}        </Formik>      </Box>    </Card>  );};