All the hooks that are frequently used in the EVA Suite Modules are included in the eva-suite-react-hooks
repo, and are distributed via NPM in the @springtree/eva-suite-react-hooks
Installationnpm install --save @springtree/eva-suite-react-hooks
UsageYou can use the package like this:
import { useState } from 'react';import { useDebounce } from '@springtree/eva-suite-react-hooks';
const Example = () => { const [inputValue, setInputValue] = useState<string | undefined>(); const debouncedInputValue = useDebounce(inputValue, 500);
return ( <> <input type="text" value={inputValue ?? ''} onChange={(event) => setInputValue(} > <span> {`The debounced value is: ${debouncedValue}`} </span> </> )};
export default Example;
Hooks listHook | Description |
useActionOnUnmount | With this hook you can kick of an action with data before the component unmounts |
useBoolean | Handy custom hook which gives you callbacks to either update or toggle a boolean state value |
useBoundingRectangle | This hook saves and returns the last known bounding box (position and dimensions) of a DOM element. It also updates on resize events. |
useBuildIntentUrl | Hook to use the urlBuilder of the intentBuilder |
useDebounce | Debounce any state value with this hook |
useEnumToArray | Hook to convert an enum to an array |
useEvaLogin | Hook that exposes handy helpers to login to EVA |
useEvaMutation | Use this hook to query an EVA service as a mutation (React Query SDK) |
useEvaQuery | Use this hook to query an EVA service (React Query SDK) |
useEventListener | If you find yourself adding a lot of event listeners using useEffect you might consider using this hook |
useHasFunctionality | Returns if the user may or may not use an EVA functionality |
useHotjar | Initialize Hotjar for the application based on eva-config |
useLocalStorage | Custom hook that works just like useState , but based on localStorage |
useNavigateToChildPath | Navigate to a URL, that has the same prefix as the current URL (e.g. /api/users -> /api/users/3 ) |
useParseStringToFloat | Parses a string value to a float or undefined |
useParseStringToInteger | Parses a string value to an integer or undefined |
usePrevious | Get the previous value of a state value |
useRecoilDebouncedValue | Debounce Recoil state setter |
useSentry | Setup Sentry in EVA app |
useSetRequest | Handles setting the service request with the newRequest only when it exists and is different than the current request |
useSetResponseStale | Set service to stale once rendered |
useLocale | Use this hook to manage the application locale |
useUndo | Custom hook for managing undo / redo on state values |
useWhyDidYouUpdate | This hook makes it easy to see which prop changes are causing a component to re-render |