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EVA Spotlight is a power user feature where you can initiate EVA suite intents from a convenient popup dialog. Modeled after Mac OS Spotlight feature. An action inside the Spotlight autocomplete are called shortcuts.


Spotlight shortcuts are automatically discovered by looking for the eva-spotlight.json file inside a EVA Suite module. This file is generated at build time for each module. A Spotlight shortcut is a simple JSX element the module. For example:

<SpotlightShortcut  type="search"  nameI18nKey=""  descriptionI18nKey=""  intent={EIntentAction.searchDiscount}/>
  • type: 'open' | 'navigate' | 'update' | 'search'
    • Required
    • Used to identify the action of the shortcut.
      • navigate This will navigate to another module. Restores the current session there and links you to the correct place inside that module.
      • open This will open a certain type of data by ID. You have to provide the ID, and you jump to the module where that information is displayed.
      • search This will jump to a search page inside another module and allows you to provide a search query directly inside Spotlight
      • update Same as open but in this case brings you to the edit page of an certain type of data. Again by its ID.
  • nameI18nKey: string
    • Required
    • The translation key for the name of this shortcut. It will look at the /assets/i18n folder for translation files (JSON)
  • descriptionI18nKey: string
    • Optional
    • The translation key for the description of this shortcut. It will look at the /assets/i18n folder for translation files (JSON)
  • intent: EIntentAction
    • Required
    • The EVA suite intent that needs to be used for this shortcut. This is an enum stored in eva-suite-uri-parser For more information about EVA Intents click here

Shortcut Prompt#

This is the components that renders the actual popup dialog prompt that can find all the shortcuts added in our modules. Add this to your App component.

const App = () => {  ...
  // This hook contains the hot key business logic for Spotlight  //  const [isOpen, toggleIsOpen] = useSpotlightHotKey();
  return (    <>      <Header moduleName={EVA_MODULE_NAME} onLogoClick={toggleIsOpen} />      <Box display="flex" p={0}>        {currentUserType.isEmployee ? <SideNav /> : null}        <Routes />      </Box>      <ShortcutProvider>        <SpotlightShortcutPrompt          isOpen={isOpen}          toggleIsOpen={toggleIsOpen}          noOptionsText={intl.formatMessage({ id: '' })}          placeHolders={{            general: intl.formatMessage({ id: '' }),            search: intl.formatMessage({ id: '' }),            id: intl.formatMessage({ id: '' }),          }}        />      </ShortcutProvider>    </>  );};
  • isOpen: boolean
    • Required
    • State of the popup dialog being open or not.
    • Get this from the useSpotlightHotKey hook.
  • toggleIsOpen: () => void
    • Required
    • Handler for toggling the open state of the popup dialog.
    • Get this from the useSpotlightHotKey hook.
  • noOptionsText: string
    • Required
    • Text displayed when there are no results for a search term.
  • placeHolders: ISpotlightPlaceHolders
    • Required
    • Placeholder texts to allow translations
    • Example:
      • {  general: 'Find everything',  search: 'Enter keyword',  id: 'Enter the ID',}

As with all great functionalities that just seem to work, there's a context provider that abstracts all the magic away. Make sure to wrap your SpotlightShortcutPrompt into a ShortcutProvider. There's also a useSpotlightHotKey hook that handles the hotkey logic for opening the spotlight prompt, so make sure to pass the isOpen state and toggle from the hook into your prompt component.