Available SDKs
The EVA unified commerce platform is a collection of services that can be called directly without using an SDK. However for convenience and to help tackle the growing complexity of front-end applications we do supply a number of SDKs.
We currently provide these SDKs:
JavaScript/TypeScript SDK
Swift SDK for iOS
NuGet packages for .Net
Kotlin/Java SDK
JavaScript/TypeScript SDKs
The documentation for the currently recommended SDK for EVA client application development can be found at: (https://springtreesolutions.github.io/eva-sdk-repo)
This documentation details how to install and include the SDK into you application. It comes with full TypeScript support for both the EVA services and the SDK itself. It does not detail how to use EVA itself.
The JavaScript SDK provides:
- Service definitions
- Service call helpers
- State management helpers (Redux/Recoil)
- SignalR client
Swift SDK for iOSThe swift SDK is available for inclusion with your project using the swift package manager. It is only available through private access and is not publicly installable. A difference with the JavaScript SDK is that the swift SDK only provides access to the service definitions and does not prove code for state management and alike.
The Swift SDK provides:
- Service definitions
- Service call helpers
NuGet packages for .Net
The NuGet packages for .Net are available for inclusion in your project with a manifest file. Installation can be done with NuGet package manager. A difference with the JavaScript SDK is that the NuGet packages for .Net are only providing access to the service definitions and do not prove code for state management and alike.
The NuGet packages for .Net provide:
- Service definitions
- Service call helpers
Kotlin/Java SDK
The Kotlin/Java SDK is available for inclusion in your project with a .jar file. It is only available through private access and is not publicly installable. A difference with the JavaScript SDK is that the Kotlin/Java SDK only provides access to the service definitions and does not prove code for state management and alike.
The Kotlin/Java SDK provides:
- Service definitions
- Service call helpers